Friday, January 23, 2009

Art Journaling

So today I've been making some additions to my art journal. I've got inspired to make even more art since I started this blog so I finished one page and then made another. There's nothing like making art and drinking tea on a stormy and gray day like today. I don't know where you are and what the weather's like where you live but in Rotterdam it's windy and rainy today. So I'm sitting by the window (and the radiator) and I'd like to show you what I've been doing this morning :)

The funny thing with me is that I sometimes buy art supplies but don't use them for a long while. The same thing happened to my watercolor pencils and oil pastels. I'm a sucker for art supplies and stuff. Shopping for clothes just doesn't do it for me.. shopping for shoes however does, but even them I'm mostly thinking about customizing them. Like the new rip-off all stars I bought made my boyfriend buy me. I'm going to customize them soon and I'll post the pictures here when I'm done :D

Anyway, when I buy art supplies I usually get very inspired to do a lot of drawing and such. This actually goes for everything creative or possibly creative I buy. But with the pastels it didn't work. I was in a rather uninspirational period of my life back then and as a result the pastels and the watercolor pencils remained untouched. That is, until I started journaling. I've noticed there's a LOT you can do with oil pastels and watercolors. I, unfortunately, don't have water soluble oil pastels but I can still get cool effects with mineral spirits or my clover mini iron.

I use the mini iron for wax as wel. This is a little trick I learned from Suzi Blu (you really should check out her videos at Though instead of using beeswax I use colored candles. I really like the effect the colored wax adds to the pages.

I don't think is really visible on these pictures but I've used some of the glitter glue pens on these pages for a little sparkling effect :D I'm really happy with how it turned out :)

This page is actually not for me but for little princess Mandana. My cousin gave birth to a cute little baby girl three weeks ago and I can't help but wonder about how she's grow up to be and whatnot. So I wrote down all of the things I whish for her to have and be like happiness and all of the advice I could give her. I then wrote some more things that I'd like to tell her when she's grown up and all of the things I wish for her and then covered it with a magic princess wand and little harts.

Are you feeling the love yet? hahaha
I also made this on tho it's not really finished yet :) I'm going to finish it soon.

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